Friday, December 27, 2019

To Build or Buy a Small Business Essay examples - 2047 Words

402 Small Business Professor, Ricardo Toye | To Build or Buy | Week 4 Assignment 1 | Cornelius Gaskins 1/22/2013 | Craft a brief (1-2 pages) strategy for a business concept that would directly compete with the small business you selected. Explain the rationale for the strategy in detail. â€Å"It Bakes Good,† with a delicious flavor that is sure to please. Watching customer’s satisfaction is the goal. Developing a Bakery as a counter business with a competitive strategy to navigate through barriers set up by existing Bakeries is the plan at hand. The initial bakery is deals with pastries, breads, croissants and coffee, teas and other beverages. This†¦show more content†¦The usage of the current customers has an appeal since the current business operations has been consistent on the profit where the purchasing of inventory and the cash register receipts have indicated. The lack of similar Bakery businesses in the general area continue to be a plus for the location and buying the existing Bakery would limit competition for awhile. Considering remodeling cost, purchase price as opposed to starting a new business cost buying the existing business appears to be a better financial bargain. For the existing business the baking and dishwashing equipment are in satisfactory working order. The purchasing a grill to prepare food has a reasonable cost and the food prep area is already in place. The dinning area will require the purchase of tables and chairs that would have to be bolted to the floor during remodeling. Comparing the requirements for initiating a new business as opposed to buying an existing business, the buying of the existing business has the better appeal based on how the later is up and running. While the new business has some hurdles may exist as far as the condition of theShow MoreRelatedAdvantages of Starting Up a Business1109 Words   |  5 PagesAdvantages of Starting up a Business * Being your own Boss  - you can make your own decisions, keep your own time and not have to answer to The Boss * Hard Work amp; Know How  - If you are a hard worker and / or have immense industry know how, you may want to benefit from the long hours you do or the knowledge that you have acquired over time. * Financial Independence  - One day, you may realise your dream of financial independence * Creative Freedom  - no more restrictions, youRead MoreAnalysis Of Geoffrey B. Small Is Big On Quality, Customers, Community970 Words   |  4 PagesCase Study 1.2 â€Å"Geoffrey B. Small is Big on Quality, Customers, Community† is about a leading fashion designer that does not want his customers to think about the brand name, color, style or price of the fabrics they wear. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor Essay

The major American playwright, Tennessee Williams, once said â€Å"There are no good or bad people. Some are a little better or a little worse, but all are activated more by misunderstanding than malice. He like, Flannery OConnor, the author of the short story A Good Man is Hard to Find, was a Southern Gothic writer who used writing to demonstrate the destruction and hypocrisy of the old south principles and standards. Southern gothic, is a style of writing performed by numerous writers of the American South whose stories, taking place in that region are illustrated by disgusting, gruesome, or bizarre happenings. This quote explains the intent of the story written by OConnor. A Good Man Is Hard to Find† was written as if to†¦show more content†¦As she is talking with her son and giving her reasons for not wanting to go to Florida we start to see through her communication and interaction with her family just how rude and unruly all of the family members are. The childr en, John Wesley and June Star, were constantly interrupting the grandmother with their smart remarks while she was talking. Never once are they corrected or reprimanded by their parents. The following day the family sets out on their trip early in the morning. The grandmother is the first one in the car. We get to see her being deceitful as she brings along her cat knowing that her son did not want the cat at the motel with them. She settles herself into the vehicle with her stow away and begins to situate herself. We are given the impression by how she is dressed and carries herself that this is a very elegant and sophisticated woman (398). It is not until she continues to speak and uses inappropriate and offensive language that we get a clear picture of how obnoxious she is . Her obnoxious behavior progresses throughout the story. Oh look at the little picinanny the grandmother exclaims, referring to a Negro child she sees as they are driving. She offers to tell the disorderly children a story if they will be quiet. She tells a them a story, in a dramatic fashion, about a man who she had once been courted by that she believed sheShow MoreRelatedA Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor1196 Words   |  5 PagesA prolific writer, famously known as Flannery O’Connor in 1953, wrote the short narrative titled â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† (Scott 2). However, it was published two years later in 1955, in her second collection of short stories. This particular collection presented the author as a key voice in the ancient American literature world until she met her sudden death in 1964 when she was only 39. The collection also won her tremendous fame, especially concerning her unmatchable creativity and masteryRead MoreA Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor748 Words   |  3 PagesFla nnery O’Connor’s Southern Gothic short story, â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find,† is one of sudden violence; although, it begins rather uneventful (Kaplan 1). Bailey, his wife, and their children, John Wesley, June Star, and a baby boy, are all looking forward to a trip to Florida. Grandmother, Bailey’s mom, wants to go to east Tennessee to see her relatives, not Florida. She uses an article in the newspaper that tells of an escaped criminal, the Misfit, which is headed to Florida to try to persuadeRead MoreA Good Man Is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor645 Words   |  3 PagesA Good Man â€Å"She would have been a good woman†¦if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life† (Gardner). Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† tells of Bailey, his wife, their three children and Bailey’s mother all heading to Florida for vacation. In this paper I will summarize the story, and discuss the irony of the story and the morality and religion in the story. The family, Bailey, his wife, three children and his mother, are set to go on vacation to FloridaRead MoreA Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor 664 Words   |  3 PagesIn the story â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† Flannery OConnor uses the grandmother as a person who gets what she wants. At first she doesnt want to go to Florida she wants to visit her relatives in Tennessee. We also learn she is manipulative when she tries to change Baileys (her son) mind. Whenever something doesnt go her way she wants she isnt pleased. She uses the story of the Misfit to scare the family so that they would go to Tennessee. Something else the grandmother says about herself inRead More The Journey in A Good Man Is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor690 Words   |  3 PagesThe Journey in A Good Man Is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor In A Good Man Is Hard to Find, Flannery OConnors character searches for grace and redemption in a world full of sin. Grimshaw states, each one, nonetheless, is free to choose, free to accept or reject Grace (6). The Grandmother in A Good Man is Hard to Find, is on a journey for grace and forgiveness in a world where the redemption she is searching for proves to be hard to find. The Grandmother often finds herself at oddsRead More A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor Essay1204 Words   |  5 PagesA Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the short story, A Good Man is Hard to Find, the main character is the grandmother. Flannery OConnor, the author, lets the reader find out who the grandmother is by her conversations and reactions to the other characters in the story. The grandmother is the most important character in the story because she has a main role in the stories principal action. This little old lady is the protagonist in this piece. We learn more about her fromRead MoreEssay on A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor1564 Words   |  7 PagesA Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor A Good Man is Hard to Find is an extremely powerful commentary that elucidates Flannery OConnors opinions about religion and society. Like the majority of her other works, A Good Man is Hard to Find has attracted many interpretations based on Christian dogma (Bandy 1). These Christian explications are justified because Miss OConnor is notorious for expressing Catholic doctrines through her fiction. Once she even remarked I see fromRead MoreA Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor Essay1033 Words   |  5 Pages â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find,† written by Flannery O’Connor tells the story of a dysfunctional family headed to vacation and their inevitable death. The family, including their matriarch, the grandmother, represents the delusion perfection that many modern Christians have. The family displays an extreme sense of vanity, self-centeredness, and disobedience during the first half of the story. The first half of the story does not follow a specific pattern nor does it hold significance to the family’sRead MoreA Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor Essay1959 Words   |  8 Pages Who is the Misfit? In the short story, â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find† a family comprising of a grandmother, a father, three children, and a wife is headed on vacation has the misfortune of meeting a murderous band of serial killers. The Misfit and his band of serial killers are recently escapees of a federal prison. In the following paragraphs this paper looks into the issues of, what one would do in a situation such as that and the background of the the family and murderers as well. The MisfitRead More Symbolism in A Good Man Is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor1038 Words   |  5 PagesUse of Symbolism in A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor is a short story that depicts a familys vacation to Florida that turned into an abysmal tragedy when they met with the Misfit, a convict who escaped from prison. This story is meant to be interpreted as a parable, whereby OConnor made skilful use of symbolism to bring about messages such as the class-consciousness and the lack of spiritual faith that exist amongst human.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Gothic story gcse free essay sample

A chilling breath of wind assaulted her deadened cheeks for it was a rough night and the stars had cowardly hid away behind the dull, mute clouds. The predatory moon, bright and full; crept behind the cloudy sky stalking me as prey. Her voiceless shadow stumbled drunkenly as she battled through the hawkish rain to find shelter for the night. Her car had broken down a mile or so back. It had been hours since the sunlight faded to dark; hours since shed been stranded in this deserted place. She was miles away from her home, she was very frightened. She Just stood there, crying; wishing someone could help when, suddenly, a small old lady seemed to appear from no-where. She was extremely short with long, obsidian hair and a narrow, cadaverous face. Please help me, the young girl begged, her teeth chattering loudly. Okay. The old woman looked unsure for a few seconds then explained, there is an inn Just a mile away. We will write a custom essay sample on Gothic story gcse or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The girl looked at her watch to check the time, but when she lifted her head to thank the old lady, she had gone; disappeared into the ominous mist. When she arrived at he inn, she was shocked to find it looking isolated and in the moons alabaster light the sallow pillars seemed skeletal. She clung to the door as she rapped on it three times, diffidently at first, and then harder. The knocking echoed through the hollow inn, she imagined, from the echo that came back to her that, far away, someone was knocking on another door as if in a parallel dimension, begging for escape. The solid oak door earily opened to greet the small old lady she had seen a mile back. The girl pondered about what was going on as she stepped in. The cobwebs above the bar said no-one had used it for years and the rusty till looked hollow. Yet she didnt ask why it was so empty and ancient looking; she Just followed the little old lady to her room, removed her rain soaked clothes and went to sleep. In the morning, she got dressed into her damp clothes and walked down the crooked stairs, expecting the little old lady to be down there, cheerfully cooking meals for the villagers. No-one was there. Not even the old lady.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Simple Wedding Essay Example

Simple Wedding Essay Adam and Beth’s Wedding *Introduce myself * Adam and Beth have asked me to do a little talk at their wedding ceremony. And they asked me to base the talk around one of his favourite quotes. It’s from the film â€Å"Good Will Hunting†. And the quote is: â€Å"You’re not perfect, sport, and let me save you the suspense: this girl you’ve met, she’s not perfect either. But the question is whether or not you’re perfect for each other. Firstly, I was massively relieved that Adam gave me something to base the talk on and around, as usually the talk is the time when someone imparts wisdom about married life and I’ve only been married about 4 weeks. So my wisdom about marriage is fairly limited! I can tell you that marriage is awesome, and that’s about it! Although it’s probably a relief to hear, now you’ve already tied the knot! But this quote is also really helpful to have as a focus for your wedding and for your marriage life, because it highlights many a truth that will help you in your life together. So it is incredibly important to remember the first thing it tells you. Adam – you are not perfect. Beth – you are not perfect. You both know enough about life to know that this is key in ANY relationship, especially with each other. You are not perfect. You will make mistakes. You will be wrong. Your reactions to things will not always be right. Sometimes you’ll be snappy or selfish or stubborn or too passive or too bothered by things. You’ll say, do and think things wrong. As well as not saying or not doing those things you should. And in that circumstance – you need to remember that you may very well not be in the right every time. And sometimes in relationships of any kind, the 3 words that hold it together are not â€Å"I Love You†, but â€Å"I am sorry†. And I bet you’ll find that pretty helpful to remember over time. Neither of you are perfect. But that works the other way. Adam – Beth is not perfect. Beth – Adam is not perfect. Remember that as you kick off your married life. It really will help. Don’t have any false expectations of each other. It can be very easy for people to enter into relationships and marriages expecting amazing, Hollywood-esque things and to then be hugely disappointed and for that to cause tensions. So right off the bat, don’t enter into this marriage with any great expectations – except the expectation of what you intend to give. And what you should intend and expect to give is unconditional love. All the time. Even when the other person is demonstrating their imperfections we’re admitting you have. Because the time when either of you 2 will need Love the most is the time that you least deserve it. We will write a custom essay sample on Simple Wedding specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Simple Wedding specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Simple Wedding specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer And it is then that you’ll need to remember this quote. Because you know that Love is not just a feeling of the heart. It is a decision, not just an emotion. And on those occasions when one of you has demonstrated your imperfections, you need to remember to decide to love each other. That’s what you’ve done here today. You’ve decided to Love each other. Forever. So we’ve agreed. Neither of you are perfect! Which is a very strange start for a wedding talk! But you chose the quote†¦ not me! However, anyone that knows you knows how perfect you are for each other.